#384 Seeded Bush Yams (Blues)- SELINA NUMINA : Aboriginal Art: 92x144cm
ARTIST: Selina Numina
LANGUAGE: Amnatajerre / Kaytetye
REGION: North Utopia Central Desert
TITLE: Seeded Bush Yams
MEDIUM: Painting - acrylic on canvas.
'The women come together and collect Bush Yam always leaving some for the future'
Selina was born in 1978 and attended school at Kormilda College in Darwin.
Selina is one of six sisters and two brothers. Her Mother is Barbara Price Mbitjana from Tenant Creek who is also an artist. Selina’s Father now passed was from Utopia. The story of the Medicine leaves that Selina paints is her Father’s story.
Selina has been painting for galleries across the country for over seven years.
Her works have been purchased by art lovers and collectors and she has had works as a collaborative Exhibition in Cairns in 2010. Selina paints many stories from her family and is a strong teacher to the next generation. Selina teaches her Nieces to paint.
See Selina's 'Profile & Collections' page for further information and to see all of her art listed.